“By Edmond Lifwekelo”
The continued public rhetorics, dramas and “Jokes” by president sata and important national events should be a source of concern for every peace loving zambian. These “jokes” have gone far enough already. They are no longer jokes. Sata means each and every word he says.. He’s living in illusion like he’s in some kind of trance or strange possession. Such a condition can only be exhibited by someone under the influence of strong medication. Sata’s behaviors at recent public appearances confirms what many have been speculating- the man is not ok and definitely not fit to hold such a high office. What further proof do you need? We have a sick president! The sooner zambians accept this fact, the better. Zambians should learn from history by now. We should not live in denial that the president is fit to carry on his responsibilities. When the late president mwanawasa (mhsrip) had a first stroke, concerned people saw that he needed a rest and begged the MMD Government then not to succumb him to another term. Everyone could see that mwanawasa was not his old self when he was campaigning for re-election in 2006,, but the select few who were benefiting from his presidency urged him not to listen to “critics”,, even when he suffered a second stroke, these people started lying to us that the president was in “high spirits” in his hospital ward and he was even jogging in his room! And what happened?.. the rest is history.Are they the same things we are witnessing today? Is the sata we are seeing today the same we knew five years ago? But then this is too serious. The difference between sata and levy is Levy seemed to have been in total control of his mental state during his entire presidency, this was demonstrated by his ability to steer zambia out of its highly indebted poor country status to a middle income state. The same is opposite today. Sata is not in control of his mental state. The symptoms are everywhere. The country is at cross roads, its in a leadership crisis…an economic crisis. Sata’s continuing clinging on to power is posing a danger to the peace and security of this nation.. He is not in his right mind to make rightful decisions; he can plunge this country into war; his continued stay in power has the potential to set this country ablaze. And this is not all- its zambians who are paying a high price for sata’s mental state- zambians have now become a laughing stock before the international community! How many times has sata embarrassed the nation on international foras?And the signs of this sickness are all over; his inability to tackle the worsening economic crisis will have far reaching consequences for the nation than you could ever imagine. It will take years for the new Government in 2016 to repair this damage If we let this country be under sata till 2016; Is this what zambians want?? It is in this light that we call upon parliament to quickly convene and discuss the president’s health. This is a matter of utmost importance which should cut beyond political lines. The CJ should also quickly set up a medical team to examine his capability to continue leading this country. Otherwise its clear, as commander in chief, he can never give the right orders in terms of a crisis. But then we know that expecting the current CJ to set up this tribunal will be like expecting to extract water from a rock. So the most honorable thing for sata to do, if he truly loves this nation as he claims, is to step down on health and moral grounds. And our request to those who are close to him,, is that if you truly love your leader convince him to rest- let sata not live in denial that he is capable of taking this country to the 2016 polls. Zambians deserve true leadership to steer the country out of its current economic meltdown. Having sata continue at the helm of this country for another day will spell doom for the nation.

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Posted by on May 10, 2014 in POLITICAL



FACEBOOK- HAS IT GONE TO THE DOGS? its real sad how people are saying that facebook has now gone to the dogs,, it was not like this even 2 years ago. Clowns have taken advantage of how easy it is to open a fake account and then create a page in 20 seconds and use the fake profile and the fake page to slander and injure others. So many pages are being opened by clowns and criminals everyday with titles such as ….times, so so post, soso media etc etc that one has now lost count. Its really a shame- its no longer even worth being called “social media”.. Its something out of this world, a new phenomena of modern personal vandentas and a tool to settle personal scores. Facebook is slowly becoming something for criminals, kids and adoscelents. No wonder prominent people and other senior citizens are drifting away from facebook and joining tweeter. You will never find prominent people in the west on fb- there are all on tweeter. Barak obama, David cameron, Angela mackel and even the pope all use tweeter to communicate to their followers- its only in Africa where leaders are rushing to open fb accounts! Tweeter is the new way of communicating between civilized citizens. There are no fake accounts or fake pages on tweeter. People use nick names on tweeter (not alises or pseudo names) but you are told about their real identities before u follow them. On tweeter there is no restriction as to how many people you can follow or how many can follow you. Tweeter is about truly being connected to people you truly something in common. There is no slander, insults, malicious gossip or criminal libel. Facebook was created for good purposes (as a way of communicating between friends). No wonder it started at a university somewhere in the US. It was about befriending and communicating with people you already know in the real world and people you have something in common with- a tool where you share your feelings, thoughts and experiences,, not what we are seeing now,,, befriending people so that you trap them or you maliciously insult, redicule or slander them,,Check your friends list- or the groups you belong to- how many people outside fb do you personnaly know? How many people do you have something in common with? That should tell you something. Here we should differintiate between criticism and malicious insults. Criticism on fb in any form is ok, whether constructive or not- but not criminal libel or slander. No wonder facebook has generated so much debate as whether it is healthy for our children to be part of or not.yes facebook has gone to the dogs. Let’s turn around facebook- from the current dog owned to something which can build a nation and not destroy it.

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Posted by on May 8, 2014 in NEWS



“By Business Insider”

(Via The Trent)

Are you bad at spotting a lie? New research by Dr. Leanne ten Brinke, a forensic psychologist at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and her collaborators, suggests that our instincts for judging liars are actually fairly strong — but our conscious minds sometimes fail us. Luckily, there are signs we can look for when trying to detect a lie. Dr. Lillian Glass, a behavioral analyst and body language expert who has worked with the FBI on unmasking signals of deception, says when trying to figure out if someone is lying, you first need to understand how the person normally acts. Then you’ll want to pay careful attention to their facial expressions, body language, and speech patterns, she writes in her book “The Body Language of Liars.”

1. They change their head position quickly. If you see someone suddenly make a head movement when you ask them a direct question, they may be lying to you about something. “The head will be retracted or jerked back, bowed down, or cocked or tilted to the side,” writes Glass. This will often happen right before the person is expected to respond to a question.

2. Their breathing changes. When someone is lying to you, they may begin to breathe heavily, Glass says. “It’s a reflex action.” When their breathing changes, their shoulders will rise and their voice may get shallow, she adds. “In essence, they are out of breath because their heart rate and blood flow change. You body experiences these types of changes when you’re nervous and feeling tense — when you lie.”

3. They stand very still .It’s common knowledge that people fidget when they get nervous, but Glass says that you should also watch out for people who are not moving at all. “This may be a sign of the primitive neurological ‘fight,’ rather than the ‘flight,’ response, as the body positions and readies itself for possible confrontation,” says Glass. “When you speak and engage in normal conversation, it is natural to move your body around in subtle, relaxed, and, for the most part, unconscious movements. So if you observe a rigid, catatonic stance devoid of movement, it is often a huge warning sign that something is off.”

4. They repeat words or phrases. This happens because they’re trying to convince you, and themselves, of something, she says. “They’re trying to validate the lie in their mind.” For example, he or she may say: “I didn’t…I didn’t…” over and over again, Glass says. The repetition is also a way to buy themselves time as they attempt to gather their thoughts, she adds.

5. They provide too much information. “When someone goes on and on and gives you too much information — information that is not requested and especially an excess of details — there is a very high probability that he or she is not telling you the truth,” writes Glass. “Liars often talk a lot because they are hoping that, with all their talking and seeming openness, others will believe them.”

6. They touch or cover their mouth.“A telltale sign of lying is that a person will automatically put their hands over their mouth when they don’t want to deal with an issue or answer a question,” says Glass. “When adults put their hands over their lips, it means they aren’t revealing everything, and they just don’t want to tell the truth,” she says. “They are literally closing off communication.”

7. They instinctively cover vulnerable body parts.This may include areas such as the throat, chest, head, or abdomen. “I have often seen this in the courtroom when I work as a consultant for attorneys. I can always tell when someone’s testimony has hit a nerve with the defendant, when I see his or her hand covering the front of his/her throat,” says Glass. “I never appreciated the potential use of this very telling behavior until I joined the FBI as a Special Agent,” she says.

8. They shuffle their feet.“This is the body taking over,” Glass explains. Shuffling feet tells you that the potential liar is uncomfortable and nervous. It also shows you that he or she wants to leave the situation; they want to walk away, she says. “This is one of the key ways to detect a liar. Just look at their feet and you can tell a lot.”

9. It becomes difficult for them to speak.“If you ever watch the videotaped interrogation of a suspect who is guilty, you will often observe that it becomes more and more difficult for her to speak,” writes Glass. “This occurs because the automatic nervous system decreases salivary flow during times of stress, which of course dries out the mucous membranes of the mouth.” Other signs to watch out for include sudden lip biting or pursed lips.

10. They stare at you without blinking much.When people lie, it’s common that they break eye contact, but the liar could go the extra mile to maintain eye contact in attempt to control and manipulate you. “[Bernie] Madoff, like most con men, overcompensated and stared at people longer than usual, often without blinking at regular intervals,” says Glass. “When people tell the truth, most will occasionally shift their eyes around and may even look away from time to time. Liars, on the other hand, will use a cold, steady gaze to intimidate and control.” Also watch out for rapid blinking.

11. They tend to point a lot.“When a liar becomes hostile or defensive, he is attempting to turn the tables on you,” says Glass. The liar will get hostile because he is angry that you’ve discovered his lies, which may result in a lot of pointing.

The trent

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Posted by on May 2, 2014 in Entertainment


10 Foods That Will KILL You!

You’re probably aware of all the foods that are good for you, like fresh fruits and vegetables, but do you know about the foods that can kill you? These unhealthy foods can lead to some serious health problems, especially if you eat them regularly. Want to know what they are? Well, keep reading!

1. Low-Fat Foods –
A lot of people think that they are being healthy by purchasing foods that are labeled as “low fat”. Unfortunately this is not the case, as most of these foods are packed with unhealthy chemicals to make up for the lack of fat. These chemicals are extremely bad for your body and can even damage your health over time.

2. Margarine –
People choose margarine over butter because it doesn’t have cholesterol in it, but what you need to pay attention to is what IS in it! Margarine is extremely high in trans-fat, which can damage your blood vessels and even increase your cholesterol.

3. Fruit Juice –
A lot of shoppers think they are healthy when they purchase fruit juice, but these are actually very bad for the body. Not only are most made with artificial flavors and not any real fruit, they are packed full of sugar and other chemicals that can cause obesity and other serious health problems. Even real fruit juice is packed full of sugar that provides you with no nutritional value. It’s best to eat a piece of fruit instead of drink it, unless you’re juicing your own fresh fruits and vegetables at home.  

4. Processed Meats- Meatloaf-
The chemicals that are inside of processed meats have been linked to colon cancer and many other health problems. They are also packed full of sugar, salt and fat that can lead to obesity and diabetes. You’re always better off cooking your own meat from lean cuts and avoiding the processed meats all together.

5. Energy Bars –
Energy bars are marketed as healthy snacks for people who want to lose weight and get fit. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t read the nutritional information on these bars in the first place. Many of them are made with a lot of sugar and fat, even though they are high in protein. You’re better off staying away from these and reaching for a natural snack, like almonds and cheese, instead.

6. Frozen Dinners and Lunches Frozen meals-
Sure those frozen meals are convenient, but what price do you pay for that convenience? These frozen dinners, even those that are low in calories, are really high in sodium. They are also extremely processed, which means they really put your body through a lot of work in order to digest through your body.

7. Breakfast Cereals fruit and fibre cereal –
There are really only a few breakfast cereals on store shelves today that are actually good for you. Even those that are labeled “healthy” generally turn out to be packed full of sugar and fat. You might be surprised to find that most of the cereals you love have more sugar than your dessert does! On top of all of that, cereals are normally processed quite a bit and made with chemicals to make them seem “healthier” to the consumer.

8. Doughnuts –
Speaking of breakfast foods, who doesn’t love a sugary doughnut when they are running late to start the day? Although they may taste good, these are a huge source of sugar, fat, trans fat and carbohydrates. In fact, just one of these fried treats is generally well over 300 calories. Since most people tend to eat more than one, this can lead to quick weight gain without even realizing it.

9. Soda –
Regular soda is a huge source of sugar and a variety of other chemicals that have been linked to several different types of cancer. These provide absolutely no nutritional value to you and can lead to diabetes as well. Even diet soda carries risks, as it’s made with a lot of chemicals to make up for the lack of sugar, and these have been linked to diseases and cancers.

10. Potato Chips –
Before you reach for that bag of potato chips; think again! These are filled with a lot of fat and calories, but did you know they are also loaded with dangerous chemicals? Most chips are made with acrylamide, which is created when foods are fried at extremely high temperatures. This chemical is linked to cancer, which can result in death.

Via #trent

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Posted by on April 29, 2014 in INSPIRATIONAL



(My reflections on monday)

“By Edmond Lifwekelo”

A friend of mine once said that we zambians are so naïve, short sightedness and that we don’t seem to learn from history. In short he was saying zambians forget so easily. And it seems he was right. The elections of 2011 brought out so many issues which should have taught us many lessons by now. But alas! History has a tendancy if repeating itself here in zambia.I remember, before the 2011 polls, people from all walks of life used to be paraded on TV saying sata will never rule this country. Traditonal chiefs appeared on TV to say sata can never be president. Even members of the clergy gave “prophesies” to say “God” has shown them “visions” to say RB will be re-elected in 2011.

How many times did KK say sata can never be presidentof zambia? And what was the result?

And its interesting to note that the same events of pre-2011 are happening at the moment. It is illogical for one to say HH will never rule this country. Are you God? Zambia and HH’s destiny are in the hands of God. What was then for sata is now for HH. And the shallow reasoning to say UPND can never form Government because it is regional is senseless. The pf in opposition was even more tribal than how UPND is today. Us who were in pf from day one will tell you this. I was there when Edwin Lifwekelo, together with Anthony kasolo, formed and registered pf in 2001. If you care, go to the registrar of societies and check who registered pf.

Edwin Lifwekelo registered pf as secretary General with Anthony kasolo as national chairman. Ten names were taken to the registrar of societies and my name was appearing as a trustee. In fact I was in attendance in a meeting at Edwin Lifwekelo’s house where the symbol for the new party (the boat) was proposed. sata behind the scenes in the shadows wanted the new party to be called Zambian movement for multy party democracy but we suggested to him that the name will be rejected by the Rgistrar because it was too similar to MMD.

That’s how Edwin Lifwekelo, Nakawala and Benson Miti came up with the name Patriotic front- but even this sata wanted it to be called ZMMD-PF like Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF. It was only after reasoning with him that the name PF was adopted. Sata was far fro the process of registering and recruiting member; He only became active when Mr Lifwekelo announced in september 2001 that the new party will partcipate in the elections and micheal sata will be its presidential candidate.Sata was shunned from the beginning by most of his close colleagues because of fear of the system at that time. In fact, he almost had no friends as he had made a lot of enemies when he was national secretary of MMD.

And the only people he was attracting to join the pf were his fellow tribesmen.But the pre-2016 UPND is very different from the pre-2011 pf. UPND has assumed a national character and it has presence in all the 10 provinces. Look at the composition of the NMC and you will see that the UPND is all inclusive. The two vice presidents are not from southern, the National secretary together with his vice are not from southern province: the National chairperson mutale Nalumango is a non- southerner. In fact southeners are few in the NMC. But it is nonsense to describe tribe here because it does not matter. What matters are the programmes, the vision and the character of a political party and its leadership.We are behind president Hakainde Hichilema because we admire his leadership, his qualities and all who are assisting him to run the party. We love our president and the party. I know you can never understand what am saying because you have never been in UPND to see the love and the brotherhood which exists there- the difference is us we know pf because we have been there before but you naver understands us because you have never been here. In fact we wonder how someone who has been to school can want to associate himself with thugs and violence which are prevelence in pf. Remember your character is judged by people you associate with. We wonder what you see in pf but we won’t judge you- in the same vain do not judge us.But there is more to it- no matter what you will say, we truly believe God’s time for HH and the UPND to rule Zambia has come.

And it is not just wishful thinking because the ground testifies that the HH of today is not the HH of 2011; UPND today is different from the UPND of yester year- UPND will win the forth coming General elections because the entire party leadership is committed to ensure that zambians are liberated. UPND will win the 2016 polls because sata of today is different from sata of yester year; the pf of today is different from the pf of yester year.UPND has grown from strength to strength. UPND will win the urban areas and also a fair chunk of the rural areas.4 provinces made sata president- UPND currently controls 5 provinces and are this year earmarked to add up two more; CB and eastern provinces. In fact half of CB is already in the hands of UPND. Even close aasociates of sata are secretely dating UPND- they know that its impossible for pf in its current form to win 2016.UPND is the future and HH Zambia’s hope. You will insult, arrest us, unleash thugs on us but you are only making us stronger. RB made sata and pf popular and sata and his pf are doing the same to HH and the UPND. Infact HH has never had a more efficient campaign manager than sata and his thugs and all those saying HH will never rule this country.

Convince the people on the ground on why you want to be re-elected- on how you have bettered people’s lives; how you have put more money in people’s pockets; you you have lowered taxes; how you have reduced prices if essential commodities including mealie meal and fuel; how you have introduced windfall taxes in the mines and how zambians are now benifitting from their copper; how you have stopped chinese mistraetment of zambians.

Convince the people of western province how you have honoured the Barotse land agreement which you vowed with your lives that you will do. Convince the people of eastern province how you have improved agriculture there as you know it is their main source of livelyhood,,, above all convince the zambians, than daily yapping about HH never ruling this country, how you managed to brng development within 90 days. Convince the zambians how you managed to honour your promises by enacting a new constitution within 90 days; convince the zambians why you should be trusted because you abolished the harsh public order act and implemented the freedom of information bill soon after you assumed office.;
convince the zambians why you want another vote because you managed to bult decent housing for all and provided clean drinking water to every household.

In this way you will never be scared of HH’s shadows and say he will never be president of zambia.

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Posted by on April 28, 2014 in POLITICAL



The figures just released by the ministry of finance on zambia’s debt situation, if at all there true, makes sad reading. According to the MOF, zambia’s external debt, principal plus interest stood at over US$48.8 million for the period January 2014 to march 2014, while the local debt( principal plus interest) stood at zmk2.6 billion kwacha. Looking at the figures you will note that Zambia is spending an average of US$14.6m per month in foreign debt repayment while the highest repayment was last month when US$37.7m was paid. Zambia is also repaying an average of zmk881m per month in domestic loan repayments. Just this year alone( Jan 14- Mar 14) about US$38m was paid in interest alone while interest of aboutZMK461m was paid towards domestic loans.

Now the other day I was watching znbc news when I saw a clip of a “school” in lunga district (to name it a school is grandiose), a one roomed thatched house which has 4 grades from Grade 1 to Grade 4! The “school” has about 300 pupils with only one teacher. In the clip the area DC was shown shedding tears as she showed reporters the conditions under which the pupils are learning. The school has no furniture and pupils are required to bring with them reed mats for sitting on while learning! The room is so tiny that those who come late for “school” sit outside while the teacher is inside teaching.

This school in lunga district is just a tip of the iceberg of the bigger problem facing rural schools in zambia. I was in wastern province the other month and situations prevailing there are much worse than what we saw. And its not only the education sector suffering in rural areas, but also the health and social sectors. There are grass thatched “clinics” scattered all round rural zambia and people in these areas don’t even have access to clean water.

Now what did the pf Government do with the more tham US$3.7 billion dollars it borrowed? And what about the zmk103 billion in domestic debt debt? What was it used on?

Its illogical for one to argue that the Govnmt is constructing roads and stadiums round the country; for what use are roads and stadiums when pupils are learning in deplorable conditions and people in the rural areas have no access to water and health facilities?. What use are these stadiums and new universities when teachers in kaputa travel more than 400 km to mansa to get their salaries at the end of the month due to lack of banks and post offices in these districts?

Government should learn to prioritize issues when it comes to national development. Nobody wanted a stadium in mongu, the majority there actually wanted Government to resusitate the mongu cashewnut plant like what they did to NCZ,, people in mongu don’t want a stadium but they want Government to set up a factory to be processing mongos (which goes to waste year after year due to lack of markets) into Jam and mango juices- people in mansa don’t need a new university because we already have enough universities round the country. Infact research has shown that it will be cheaper to renovate and expand our existing universities than it will be by building new ones. What people of mansa need is for the pf Government to revamp the operations of mansa batteries. Currently the unemployment levels and the poverty in mansa, like most rural zambia, is extreme.

Government should learn to consult citizens when it comes to issues of development.This Government is the first in the history of zambia to be operating without a National development plan. KK, chiluba and mwanawasa used to involve the grassroots (thru their area mps) when planning development for the country,.Its only under this Government the president plans development alone. He wakes up one day and posts his ideas on facebook and these becomes policy issues which the the line ministries have to implement. No plan on where the money will come from and how the project will be implemented and monitored. A good example is the IDC. The end result will be borrowing which ordinary zambians end up repaying heavily. Its a sham really. Currently its very difficult now for an ordinary citizen to borrow from the banks (collateral or no collateral) because banks know that Government is its biggest borrower. Long gone are the days when banks used to go round looking for people to get loans for they know they are making enough from Government thru interests. But then this has to stop- the US$38m which Government has repaid this year in interest alone and the zmk500m it has repaid in local debts should have been utilised towards infrastructure development and buying of essential drugs in our health centres round the country.

Yes that school in lunga district needs only zmk400,000 to build decent classrooms and buy furniture for pupils. Government needs less than US1m to revamp the operations of mongu cashewnuts plant; it needs less than US2m to bring back to life mwinilunga pineapple industries- it needs less than US$1m to bringa back to life mansa batteries; Kapiri glass products and mulungushi textiles.

Yes Government needs an equity partner for all these industries to be opearational again.The determination and zeal of ex-workers of kawambwa tea factory to revive the ops of the company has shown that its possible. The workers at kawambwa tea have gone against the odds and started growing tea again despite the zimbabwean owners who bought it from Government putting up an injunction in court.

Yes these factories, despite being white elephants at the moment, are capable of springing back to life.Yes we need a Government that will start borrowing responsibly- a Government that will involve all stake holders when it comes to palnning for national development.

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Posted by on April 25, 2014 in NEWS



Zambia has of late witnessed political appointments of individuals, who are below par, to highly sensitive Government positions. From ministers to District commisioners, we have witnessed the worst political appeasements ever in this country. Relatives, friends and below par party cadres are serving this country in policy making decisions and abroad “representing” zambia in the international community. Can we, therefore, expect zambia as a country to attain any meaningful development with such “leaders” in place? Do we as a nation appreciate the importance of having an educated leadership, chosen on merit and not on political appeasements? What are the effects of putting wrong people in policy and decision making positions?

Well the development of a nation is judged, not only by the level of its material development but by also its ability tp create lasting opportunities for all its citizens, factors that in turn enable the people to realize their full potentials.

It is therefore important that national leaders should try to create better social conditions for the development of human resources. Moreover since the development of material resources depends heavily upon the level of intellectual awareness the people in a nation have attained, it becomes even more evident that the primary duty of any nation is to educate its citizens to full potentials.

In view of this, it becomes evident that a reliable foundation for national development is the intellectual cultivation of first its leaders and then the General citizenry.

National leaders should have an educational understanding that is most likely to meet the demands of national development, one that focuses on a better understsnding of fundamental elements of human nature and the importance of developing a committed sense for the common good of the country.
An educational system of this kind is most likely to facilitate the development of a committed sense of social moral obligation, the kind of social moral awareness that persuades leaders and citizens alike to work for the well being of the country.
Above all, its anticipated that when a nation has adopted this kind of educational system, it cannot fail in developing its human and natural resources and in promoting the brotherhood of man, and in eliminating illetracy, poverty, hunger and desease.

The demands of national development can only be adequately met when leaders have attained a certain educational standard which aims at developing their physical and mental potentials to the fullest and also equipping them with a sense of social morality and social moral obligation.

A country that believes that some ministerial or leadership positions do not require intellectual training other than the use of general common sense cannot and will not develop fully.
In other words, when a nation entertains the idea that some positions do not require sophisticated educational training and, hense, goes ahead to try to develop its natural resources, it will find it extremely difficult to accomplish its goals. This ought to explain why lack of intellectual development in most african countries has become the greatest stumbling block to national development and to meet the millenium development goals.

If it is generally accepted that every social responsibility requires some type of specialized training, then many African leaders (Zambia alike) will distribute social tasks, not on the basis of dictated vested interests but on merit and training.

Giving responsibilities to people based on vested interests, and not on merit and training have made many african leaders failing to put the right people in the right jobs and in turn, ending up creating the malfunction of seciety.
When the wrong people are permitted to handle the right tasks, how can the units of a society ever function properly? Indeed, when the right social units are forced to perform the wrong tasks, how can stability ever develop?

When a nation finds it difficult to place the right people in the right jobs, it should not expect to succeed in preventing the mal-function of its social units. Having failed to prevent the malfunction of the society, it seems to find consolation in self apolodetic theories, more especially since such theories tend to persuade it into believing that the malfunction of its social units is the result of an international or indeed an internal conspiracy from the opposition or civil society.
Indeed how can a nation develop properly, and eradicate poverty, when it does not face its social realities and accepts its inability to place the right people in the right jobs?
How can can it attain proper development when it permits people of dubious abilities to shoulder every complex social responsibilities that demands highly specialized training, when it ignores the principle of merit? It is generally accepted that in order to be a good cook, the individual has to go through proper training in cookery; similary in order to be a good policy maker or an objective decision maker, the individual must, first and foremost, aquire a firm grasp of the the nature of good policies, the nature of man and the subject matter of discplines that deal with or are related to policy issues.
Indeed it is important that every political appointment should be based on merit and not appeasements.
Ignoring these facts will make zambia and its citizens poorer and poorer for many years to come.

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Posted by on April 23, 2014 in Uncategorized



The zambia police should heed advice from the Foundation for Democratic Process leader mc-Donald chipenzi who has called on them to exhibit high levels of professionalism as we get closer to the 2016 Tri-partite elections.
Chepenzi’s advice should never have come at a better time than now when zambia is experiencing the worst violence since independence. The zambia police has failed to quench or arrest the violence which has been perpetuated by pf cadres. These cadres are well known by the police and instead of moving in to arrest the culprits, the police have, more often than not, sided with the thugs.
This situation, if not properly managed, will plunge the country into civil strife. Civil wars have started in this way; when citizens lose hope and confidence in institutions that are supposed to protect them, they will always resort to other means to defend themselves. Its common knowledge that pf cadres are moving armed with guns and other dangerous weapons with the full knowledge of the police.
Just this past week a former livingstone DC by the nam e of Nsensele was intercepted at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula Airport with a pistol in stashed in his trousers during a confrotation with his fellow pf cadres. And instead of confiscating the gun, the police led him out of the airport terminus “for his own safety!”
And just the past week, zambian watchdog released a video which was secretely filmed by the police during some by by_elections in Rufunsa. The cadres were found with assorted Guns, pangas and machetes and instead of being arrested for being in possesion of offensive weapons, the police just cautioned them to turn back! Similary, when the UPND president, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, was surrounded by heavily armed pf bandits, the police just watched and waited for the UPND leader to finish the interview so that they escort him out safely! Why didn’t the police arrests those bandits for unlawful assembly and being in possesion of weapons?
But in contrast, the police have always dealt with opposition members ruthlessly and with a heavy hand. Countless video footage and photographs of zambia police officers brutalizing opposition party members have been shown in various media and on the internet.
Never before in the history of this country has the police abused the public order act to these levels.
The opposition are denied permits just to assemble peacefully while pf cadres can assmble any time without police permits.
It is this kind of behaviour from the zambia police which prompted the UPND leader to warn that the UPND will submit names and evidence of human rights abuses, both by the police and the ruling party members to the international criminal court for investigations and possible prosecutions. It has weel been understood in public circles that the UPND has in its possesion all this evidence in terms of videos, photographs and witness testimonies of police officers and pf members commiting these atrocities. Zambia is a signatory to the ICC and the UPND had every right to complain.
So this is a caution to all police officers in zambia. Do not be used by the pf to commit atrocities and violate the rights of innocent citizens because you might find yourself at the hague one day for your actions.
To plead that you were acting on orders is no defence. Look at what happened to kenya- learn a lesson from there. The kenyans appearing at the Hague were all working on orders, but there at the court today. The ICC holds individuals accountable for their actions, and not groups or institutions.
Take UPND’s warning seriously,, this Government’s actions will cause individuals to be cited for crimes against humanity one day. The current leaders would have run away but you will be held accountable for your own actions.

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Posted by on April 21, 2014 in NEWS




10. Steven Gerrard Age: 33 Team: Liverpool, Country: England Earnings: 16 Million Steven Gerrard is the Captain of Liverpool and the England national team.

9. Frank Lampard Age: 35 Team: Chelsea Country: England Earnings: $16 Million Frank Lampard is a Midfield that plays for Chelsea and England.

8. Fernando Torres Age: 30 Team: Chelsea Country: Spain Earnings: $17 Million Fernando Torres is a striker for Chelsea and Spain.

7. Yaya Toure Age: 30 Team: Manchester City Country: Ivory Coast Earnings: $18 Million Yaya Toure is a midfielder for Manchseter city and Ivory Coast. He was born on may 13, 1983, in Bouake, Ivory Coast. He began his career in 2001 in Belgium. FC Barcelona won 6 titles with him in 2009.

6. John Terry Age: 33 Team: Chelsea Country: England Earnings: $18 Million John Terry is a defensive player for Chelsea and England. He was named captain of Chelsea in 2004 and they won back-to-back premier titles.

5. Kaka Age: 32 Team: AC Milan Country: Brazil Earnings: $21 Million Kaka plays midfield for AC Milan and Brazil. His real name is Ricardo izecsson Dos Santon. Kaka is a Christian and when he scores he points up into the sky which is his way of saying thank you God.

4. Wayne Rooney Age: 28 Team: Manchester United Country: England Earnings: $24 Million Wayne Rooney is one of the best players in the world and a top scorer for Manchester United. He plays for Manchester United and England. In 2008 he was the youngest player to ever play 200 games in the premier league.

3. Lionel Messi Age: 26 Team: Barcelona Country: Argentina Earnings: $39 Million Lionel Messi is a striker for Barcelona and Argentina. He was offered a place in Spains national team but decided to decline the offer. Messi is sponsored by Adidas and is in many commercials around the world with them.

2. Cristiano Ronaldo Age: 29 Team: Real Madrid Country: Portugal Earnings: $42 Million Cristiano Ronaldo plays for Real Madrid and Portugal. His freekick speed is around 130 kilometers an hour. Ronaldo went through heart operation at the age of 15 which would have jeopardized his career but the operation was a success.

1. David Beckham Age: 39 Team: Los Angeles Galaxy Country: England Earnings: $46 Million David Beckham played for the Los Angeles Galaxy and England. He was born 2 May 1975. He is the only player to score in 3 world cups. David has played the position Midfielder his entire career.

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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in NEWS



10. Liverpool: $651 million Liverpool starts our list off as the 10th most expensive football team in the world. This team is valued at $651 million. Liverpool F.C. was founded on June 3rd, 1892 and is owned by Fenway Sports Group.

9. Manchester City: $689 million Manchester City gets the 9th spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $689 million. Manchester City F.C. was founded in 1880 as St. Mark’s and on April 16th, 1894 as Manchester City.

8. Juventus: $694 million Juventus gets the 8th spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $694 million. Jeventus F.C. was founded on November 1st, 1897.

7. Chelsea: $901 million Chelsea gets the 7th spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $901 million. Chelsea F.C. was found on March 10th, 1905.

6. A.C. Milan: $945 million A.C. Milan gets the 6th spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $945 million. A.C. Milan was found on December 16th, 1899.

5. Bayern Munich: $1.309 billion Bayern Munich gets the 5th spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $1.306 billion. Bayern Munich was founded on February 27th, 1900.
4. Arsenal: $1.326 billion Arsenal gets the 4th spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $1.326 billion. Arsenal F.C. was founded in 1886 as Dial Square.

3. Barcelona: $2.6 billion Barcelona gets the 3rd spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $2.6 billion. FC Barcelona was founded on November 29th, 1899.

2. Manchester United: $3.165 billion Manchester United gets the 2nd spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $3.165 billion. Manchester United F.C. was founded in 1878 as Newton Heath LYR F.C.

1. Real Madrid: $3.3 billion Real Madrid gets the top spot on our list of most expensive football teams in the world. The team is valued at $3.3 billion. Real Madrid C.F. was founded on March 6th, 1902.

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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in NEWS



” By Mulenga Prince Simumba”

KASAMA in Summary:
1.bana kalaba(sex). caught having sex with a chicken which later died(sex). caught havin sex with a goat(sex).
4.a man caught with a ten year old girl with his pants down(sex). commits suicide with a shot gun after his incest r/ship was discorvered
6.ZESCO employee starts seeing Ghosts after a one night stand with a prostitute and kills himself.

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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in NEWS



Over 20 cabinet and deputyministers in the Patriotic Frontgovernment have formed abreakaway party after falling out offavor with President Michael Sata.
They are also disillusioned byPresident Sata’s apparent elevationof his son Mulenga who seemsdestined to take over from him in2016.
One of the officials tasked tomobilize members for a yet to beregistered political party said that12 meetings so far have been heldto strategize the birth of the partyand over 20 ministers and deputyministers have agreed to leave PF.
But when contacted for a commentPF national chairperson Inonge Winarefused to comment on the mattersaying she was not aware about thebreak away party.“I will not comment on that becauseI am not aware about thatbreakaway party. I have noinformation about it,” said Ms. Winawho is also Nalolo PF Member ofParliament.
However, officials said that 12consultative meetings have takenplace in Chongwe, Chisamba, Kafue,Kitwe and Lusaka where it wasresolved that a new party should beformed to take over from the PF in2016.The official observed that the namedministers and deputy ministers andother PF senior officials among themMembers of Parliament who felt letdown by President Sata, were of theview of joining the MMD but that theleadership wrangles that havecharacterized the former rulingparty were not inspiring a newmembership.“We have also resolved to startcontributing funds towards theformation of our party. It is abreakaway party from the PF. Weare not happy, we labored for the PFand its like people who contributednothing are the ones benefitingmore by taking lies to the Presidentand receiving favours,” said theofficial.
The source said that senior PFofficials in Chipata were alsofrustrated because they felt thatPresident Michael Sata had alloweda spirit of tribalism, nepotism andsegregation in the party which hascreated serious divisions andmisunderstandings among partymembers.“We have had the anti-WynterKabimba and anti-GBM groups inthe PF. We have had people likeChishimba Kambwili who feel thathe is being fought on the basis oftribe. We have had people likeSylvia Masebo who feels that herdismissal was as a result of ascheme to hound her out of the PFby her enemies. So all these issuesand many others have resulted inus wanting to form a party that willunite all these factions,” said theofficial.The official who spoke onanonymously said that the generalmembership was also not happywith the assumption created by thePF leadership that Mulenga Satawas the next president of the partyand subsequently the candidate for2016.“There are people who have workedso hard for this party and seeingMulenga Sata who is PresidentSata’s son being treated as if he isalready president of the PF hascontributed to the division and thesubsequent formation of the newparty whose name will be madepublic soon,” said the official. Theofficial observed that the generalmembership of the party was of theview that the PF in its current formwould not win the election in 2016and allowing him (President Sata) tocontinue at the realm of the PF wasdisastrous and uninspiring. Theofficial also said that Mr Kabimbaand Vice President Guy Scott hadfailed to co-ordinate the party,adding that failure to address theconcern Zambians were raising overthe constitution making processwould make it impossible for the PFto sell its candidates in 2016.“Right now as I am talking to you, I am from a meeting at one of theMinisters office and We havedispatched a team of senior PFofficials to visit Western Provinceand see which people we can workwith from that region in order togive Zambia a formidable team,”said the official.

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Posted by on April 18, 2014 in NEWS



“By Edmond Lifwekelo”

The Former Police constable in the colonial Government and Former Railway station sweeper turned “president”‘s sponsered thugs in chawama are terrorizing motorists on the recently paved roads claiming its their road. The thugs are charging exorbitant fees to motorists and those who refuse to pay are beaten up and have their tyres deflated. The former constable’s thugs are carrying out their criminal activities in full view of the police officers from the nearby chawama police. A senoir police officer in the CID section at chawama police narrated that the police are powerless to stop the thugs as the thugs are saying they are under orders to charge the motorists from higher authorities. And the police have also been victims of these thugs as they have found their vehicles clamped and deflated by the thugs whenever they had wanted to intervene.The police source also said even area MP Edgar Lungu has no powers over the thugs. Meanwhile foreign nationals of Burundi and Rwandan Nationals operating some shops in kabwata site and service and nearby kamwala south are also living in fear of their lives from PF thugs who have been terrorizing them for some time now. The thugs are going round every saturdays “taxing” theseshops K50 each. A check at one of the shops in site service saw a fake pf reciept bearing kabwata ward 7 issued by these thugs.Zambia has seen the worst violence, lawlessness and thuggerism perpetuated by sponsered pf thugs with impunity. The top pf leadership’s silence on these matters has raised suspicion that the thugs are sponsered by the top PF hierachy.

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Posted by on April 16, 2014 in POLITICAL



“By Edmond Lifwekelo”

Zambia is this year 2014 set to celebrate its golden jubilee of independence. Zambia at independence, in 1964 was one of Africa’s most richest countries, but 50 years down the line, its one of the most poorest on the continent. What caused this downward trend and why are some of zambia’s neighbours which also got independence in the 60s like Botswana still have strong economies? Why are some of zambia’s neighbours which experienced civil war for decades, like Angola and Mozambique have stronger economies than Zambia?

While many reasons can be advanced by different sections of society, ranging from zambia’s support for liberation wars to a fall in the world copper prices, the bigger denominator on all these reasons is to do with leadership. The source of zambia’s poverty and underdevelopment is essentially due to mediocre leadership. Zambia has always permitted mediocre leadership at the top from independence. And as new Governments come on board, the problem seems to be getting worse by the day. Therefore Zambia cannot, and should not be expected to avoid social, political. Economical, technical and moral underdevelopment.

Of course, when a nation allows mediocre leaders to be reponsible for making all its policies, how can it be expected to achieve real development?Zambia’s full development depends largely upon the caliber of its leaders, the kind that is equipped with vision and foresight. Is this obtaining at the moment? Has the PF got this vision and the foresight to drive this country forward?The current crop of the PF leadership is, simply put, mediocre. 90% of people in policy making decisions in sata’s Government were appointed either on tribal lines or on their closeness to sata and his inner circle. Sata campaigned on the platform of bringing professionals into key positions and accused the MMD Government of appointing party cadres into key Government positions. Zambians welcomed sata’s messages as they knew that only quality leadership (that is the professionals) can bring about the much desired changes which they desperately needed.

The significance of quality leadership can hardly be overemphasised- it is a leadership that engages in rational and objective thinking and tries to make policies that are not far removed from the reality of human nature, whereas mediocre leadership ussually acts either without following any kind of objective manner of reasoning or simply follows the dictates of feelings, passions, Sentiments or special vested interests. “Mediocre” leadership refers to an average or below average group of national leaders, whereas “quality leadership” refers to an enlightened, interllectually sophisticated and culturally sharpened group of national leaders.

This is why the PF is subjective and hence can hardly avoid creating unnecessary social chaos, confusion and mass misery..How can the PF’s mediocre leadership to be expected to act otherwise when it is following the desires, emotions, hopes, fear or special vested interests? And that’s why the PF is currently practicing political intimidation, cheap political tactics, corruption, nepotism and dubious liberalism,,, all because of mediocre leadership.

So zambia’s poverty and underdevelopment is not due to the independence wars of its neighbours or tha falling copper prices but to mediocre leadership.So what is the way out for zambia? The way out will only be for zambians to put in place quality leadership, the leadership that is equipped with vision and foresight, intellectual enlightenment and objective or rational thinking. It is obvious that the PF cannot provide these qualities in its current state and so what we need is a change in leadership.

Continuing with the PF will result in continued underdevelopment in zambia. In other words if mediocre leadership is allowed to prolong, it is most likely to condemn zambia to continued underdevelopment of human and natural resources for a long time. If zambia allows the current mediocre leadership to continue taking charge of all its policy making activities, it will not manage to maintain the the smooth functions of its social units and in facilitating development and promote and preserve human dignity.

The current abuse of human dignity and human rights, political intimidation which in turn develops fear of national leaders will continue unabated. Indeed mediocre leadership is notorious for practicing nepotism, favouratism, suppresion of liberty equality, freedom of expression and freedom of choice. Above all it does everything possible to overlook the principles of merit. No wonder it discourages competition.. It is a shame that zambia under the PF has now become a center of social chaos and where nepotism is now being accepted as a way of life, where talents and priorities are shamelessly misplaced. Under the PF, there is currently no sense of direction for development. That’s why poverty levels, mass misery and the violation of human rights have reached horrifying levels.

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Posted by on April 15, 2014 in Uncategorized



“By Edmond Lifwekelo”

A little over two years ago, when Michael Sata was campaigning for Zambia’s top office, he promised that, if elected, he would finally bring to an end a decade of abandoned legal reform and deliver the country a definitive new constitution. Not only that, but he would do it within 90 days of taking power.

Sata’s election campaign was successful, and soon after taking office in September 2011, the new president − along with his Patriotic Front (PF) government − tasked a committee of lawyers and academics with drafting the document.

Things seem to have taken a different twist, however. When swearing in the techinical committee drafting the new constitution, the PF Government told the nation that the committee has been given 90 days to complete the assignment and hand over the report to Government. Then later on the committee asked for an extension of time and Wynter Kabimba again told the nation the the period has been extended and the committee will have to hand in the report by 30th June 2014. When this date reached a row erupted between the committee and the Government as the committee said they were not ready and would only complete the task after a month. In December 2013, the government blocked the constitutional committee from releasing its reprt simulteneusly to the Public and the President. On top of that they were ordered to print only three copies of the draft constitution,, and the committee (under protest) handed the three documents to Sata through Kabimba. This event was widely published by the media and the nation was told the documents have been handed over to the Government. After much pressure from opposition parties and civil society that the public should know the contents of the draft constitution, the nation was treated to further drama and circus when Kabimba announced that Government was still waiting for both the report and the draft constitution from the committee! Now who is lying to who?
It is not difficult for one to see that the Government seem to be insencere by saying they never received the three copies. And it is also not difficult to see that this is just another trick by Sata and his PF to deny zambians a new constitution. This is so because Sata has dramatically changed his mind about zambia having a new constitution. Sata has of late persistently said that zambia does not need a new constitution because it already has one! Now the questions being asked are; didn’t sata knew, when he was campaignung for president and demanding for a new constitution, that zambia already has a constitution? Didn’t sata knew that zambia already has a constitution when he appointed the technical comiittee which sat for more than a year and Gobled up millions of kwacha in tax payers money? This is pure deceit and betrayal at its worst. And what made Sata change his mind about the new constitution? What is Sata fearing?
After the 2014 budget revealed a skew of alarming numbers and the global rating agency Fitch downgraded the country’s credit rating, the PF’s economic success story lost its celebrated momentum, leaving it with little more than a narrative of heavy-handed autocracy.

Many zambians have closed in on the constitution as a panacea for all that ails the country, a movement that culminated in a major demonstration at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka and which took a sensational twist on 15 January when the Zambian Watchdog published what said is a leak of the final draft.

A torrent of official statements followed as the drafting committee denied originating the leak, the police vowed to clamp down on what they termed a ‘cybercrime’, and the government vowed to track down and punish the perpetrators of the leak. Surprisingly, not one Government official ever denied that the leaked doc was fake of what could have been expected if the Government had never received the docs.

Talking the talk

While the authenticity of the leaked constitution is uncertain, it doesn’t stray far from the publicly available first draft, or even from previous drafts commissioned under past administrations. Zambia’s electoral system is addressed, requiring candidates to garner over 50% of the vote to hold presidential office, while parliament would be composed of members elected through a combination of first-past-the-post and proportional representation.

The draft Bill of Rights − which includes classical first generation rights as well as social, economic and cultural rights − is also more clearly articulated than it is in the existing constitution, and it seems to be these protections, more than technical changes to governance structure, that the opposition is longing for. The opposition complain that their protests have been menaced by police and PF party thugs, that critical media outlets have been persecuted by the government, and that the general population, especially in the rural areas, slogs through a life of poverty, illiteracy and environmental degradation.


That there’s more than enough substance in the existing constitution to transform human rights in the country is not the issue. The real problem is that successive administrations simply cast off their legal responsibilities when it suits them. What needs to be tackled is Zambia’s tradition of impunity, which dates all the way back to the era of its independence president, Kenneth Kaunda.

When Zambia was granted independence in 1964, it started its new life with a multiparty framework, led by Kaunda’s United National Independence Party (UNIP), which had won 55 of 75 seats in the pre-independence elections. But this wasn’t to last. In 1972, keen to outmanoeuvre political opponents both inside and outside the ruling party, Kaunda banned all political parties apart from UNIP. In 1973, he formalised one-party rule in a new constitution that also that consolidated state power in the president’s office.

It was only 18 years later when Zambia was choked by debt and was facing mounting pressure from the international community that Kaunda commissioned a hasty legal review. That move led to the establishment of the 1991 constitution and multiparty elections that brought MMD leader Fredrick Chiluba to power.

Not a lot has changed since then, despite the reform commissions that have been mandated, the reports that have been produced, and the many amendments proposed. One amendment that has been passed was a provision barring candidates with foreign parentage from running for the presidency. Chiluba, assisted by Sata, who was then a member of the MMD, managed to force through this provision in 1996, effectively blocking Kaunda, whose father was born in neighbouring Malawi, from returning. The amendment still exists today.

The problem is that despite these legal mandates, correctional facilities are overcrowded and access to justice fails many prisoners in remand; there’s a long track record of beating, arresting, and criminally charging journalists, civil society leaders, and political figures who criticise government; poverty is endemic in rural areas, where education and healthcare facilities are also inadequate and the means of pursuing a gainful livelihood are largely absent.

When it comes to social and economic rights, many developing countries explain their failures in terms of cost. How can a poor nation like Zambia be expected to improve the lot of its direly undeveloped rural areas? How can it extend its meagre health and educational resources that far? How can it afford what human rights theorists call ‘positive rights’, those measures that require government action to protect and maintain?

Part of the answer is to dam the ever-bubbling backwaters of corruption, which divert enormous sums from the country’s development agenda. While corruption charges and trials do occur – usually motivated by political reasons – leaders from Chiluba to Sata have done little to substantively affect the diversion of public money from development to private bank accounts.

In the short term, real change won’t emerge from the PF government. And it is clear that the PF will not give zambians the constitution they want. The real change will have to come from outside. Protesting Zambians have chalked up victories before, as when public demonstrations played a role in dissuading Chiluba from seeking an unconstitutional third term, which sata championed. And if NGOs, civil society, opposition political parties and student bodies were to focus their efforts on mobilising themselves and the masses. not just urban Zambians, but also those people in the rural areas, more tangible results could be achieved.

But it’s not just a case of focusing their efforts. It’s a case of refocusing them. The fight for a new and improved constitution is certainly a worthy one, but civil society organisations have made a holy grail of constitutional reform, as if delivery will automatically slacken the state’s grip on an array of levers it freely abuses, from stacking the judiciary with supporters to deploying waves of violent thugs in by-election campaigns.

The current opposition (Except the UPND), meanwhile, is only too pleased to ally itself with activists, but given the MMD’s own history of unjust governance, the teaming up is clearly for self-serving reasons. Rather than giving politicians such an elevated podium from which to reinvent themselves, civil society would do better to zero in on specific rights violations and protest those on the same scale as they do constitutional reform.

The other piece of this puzzle is the international community. That’s a difficult prescription for a continent whose leaders routinely play their populations against what they frame as foreign interference, but sustained pressure from multilateral organisations able to reference even the current set of constitutional guarantees would help consolidate demands made in the streets.

None of this is to say that robust laws can’t lay the groundwork for a future of mature, responsive governance. A strong legal framework, no matter its current irrelevance, will make for useful terms of reference in a more developed future, and human rights theorists habitually point to ambitious laws as key components to equitable progress.
Yes Zambia needs a new constitution that will stand a test of time. It is shameful to still be discussing constotution 50 years after independence.

(c) Edmond Lifwekelo 2014

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Posted by on April 13, 2014 in POLITICAL



Shamenda: Your excellency, I don’t want to make a long speech, it is now my rare honour and privilege to invite you your excellency to deliver the key note address for labour day. Your excellency sir:

President Sata: Thank you sir. Well done Mr. Minister, Mr. Fuck-well……. (Sata shuffling papers meant to be a speech).

I was quarrelling with Mr. Shamenda and Mr. Hikaumba because I told them I was a councillor in Bauleni, MP in Kabwata, was MP in Mpika and Dr. Kaunda was annoyed with me that this boy is not presidential material but governor material.

And say thank you very much Dr.KK (with emphasis on KK). An we used to say KK wamuyayaya, kumwamba mulungu pasi KK (crowd cheers).

And KK was boasting when was 89, am also 76, so what is there for him to boast. He can boast to Mr Edgar Lungu who is a baby.

But you see you workers we have met here today…………secretary general of our party, I started saluting Mr. KK wamuyaya, Ms. madam Chief Justice….muletuka muletuka mulebeba ati acting bushe niba acting kabili abanabo tabalipo ninshi eba chief justice. Naba Matimbini ba Speaker ba pa Chibombo, members of the central committee……..I have only seen Mr. Chumbwe…..and Mr. Jean Kapata naba Dorothy Kazunga……….who else have I seen……….oh…. Mr. Patrick Kazhila, eeh Mr. Kazhila stand up……batoteleniko ba Kazhila. Honourable ministers and deputy ministers, your excellences……employers and fellow workers.

At least me you are my employers all of you and you are very good employers.

And today Mr. Nevers Mumba is not here…..Mr. HH is not here because they are ashamed they have been preaching Sata is dying…….does a dying man look like me?

And even if I die………even if I dropped dead because my life belongs to God. We have too many leaders in PF who can take over from me. They (PF leaders) are not fighting but they are waiting. They (PF leaders) try their witchcraft but it can’t beat that witchcraft from Mpika. Mr. Edgar Lungu goes to Petauke but the witchcraft in Petauke is very light it can’t touch me….so go and tell them Mr. Sata is still alive.

And what type of a leader who wish others to be sick and dying……and if you want to aspire to lead this country, come here because all you workers we understand your difficulties whether you have nice uniforms in the army, whether you have nice uniforms in the police there are still other difficulties, accommodation and transport and a number of things.

So if you are leaders and you are aspiring to lead the people of Zambia come here and celebrate with them………..including my boys who are sitting in the trees They are not from Mpika those who are in the trees some of them are from Petauke. Because Edgar Lungu was saying they are from Mpika and I said why, and he said in Mpika you eat monkeys. So baiche imwe ngaisa Edgar Lungu ku Chawama…………. sort him out.

It is with great pleasure that I join you and the rest of the world in celebrating this years labour day. This day is unique because it accords us an opportunity to recorgnise the untiring efforts of workers in transforming our country.

Fellow workers ladies and gentlemen…….….imwe muyenda kuti………iiiimweee  ba youth…… yenda kuti abo bayenda yenda. Make sure they don’t yenda….lift them by air.

The theme for this year is transforming the economy through job creation, labour law reforms, better conditions of service and improved work culture. The theme highlights the areas that we need to address in order for us to transform the economy in a manner that is meaningful to the majority of our citizens.

Mr.Shamenda at one time if you ask KK this country we were to import labour. We had no Zambians who could break stones, we had to import them from Tanzania and Kenya and why cant we do it now…So Mr. Shamenda take-off your jacket and put on your overall, and take your Mr. Hikaumba with you…and take that ka ma Joyce(Nonde)

In celebrating this occasion, government pays tribute to all fellow workers for your immense contributions and sacrifices you have been making towards transforming our economy into what it is today. For this reason I salute you all.

Our government is implementing forward……forward looking macro economic policies and ultimately lead to sustained inclusive and equitable economic growth as well as increased productive employment opportunities in with PF the manifesto.

We are happy to mention that the PF government has created more than 175 700 jobs since we came into power and we are creating jobs anymore. And you have seen the new little incoming workers they are going to be dancing,…… singing for us. These are the little …….…whose that woman who came from South Africa……….Dorothy Masuka.

Our government have in the past one year made a number progressive changes aimed at improving the general standard of living for the people of Zambia. Notable among these has been the raising of minimum wage for various categories of workers and the unprecedented generous salary increase for public service workers.

We can do what we can do as government…….the rest we leave it to the unions. If the unions are sleeping, am not going to do the job for you. If you knock on our door we are ready. We have shown that we are ready to give more, because the current workers……if you look at those children their……their parents don’t earn enough that is why some of those children have no shoes.

We have also moved the lowest paid civil servant following the recently held salary negotiations from 1400 gross pay to 3000 or three million, why the food basket as calculated by the general statistics office is at 2900 or 2900000.

We therefore wish to urge you all my fellow workers that improved salaries and conditions of work should be matched with hard work………especially people from Eastern Province. Because every time we call we find you at work but you are not doing anything. You are just speaking chakwanu chinyanja and smoking…..smoking balani.

Let me emphasis that the transformation of the economy requires that in discharging our duties we ensure that we uphold integrity accountability and transparency, especially when this relates to the use of public resources.

Our fight against corruption and least financial flaws is a priority as these vices divert resources from activities that are vital for employment creation, poverty eradication and sustainable development.

When we are talking about job creation, some children are looking the way they are looking because their parents can’t find employment. We are very lucky  here……….. we have a person like Kenneth Kaunda………. we are lucky in the sense that Kenneth Kaunda saw this country as Northern Rhodesia. When he came from Chinsali………he was walking from Chinsali to come and look for my late sister from Mpika……he did not know how to wear trousers. He was just wearing shorts…….so he has struggled for this country to be what it is and that’s why today it pains him greatly………….. that he doesn’t even want to keep his hair………he has removed all the hair from his head. Because I remember one time when I was one of his youths here in Lusaka….….he said he will only eat meat when everybody in Zambia starts eating meat.

And one time the old man in Cairo road wanted to go and buy meat through the window……….when Africans were buying through the window. Now you find that we young Zambians we can’t emulate people like KK. You are making short cuts. Even removing all the head hair in your head………why don’t you emulate the girls. You saw when the girls were matching………..,they were very smart. Our men without hair,………are you not ashamed……..are you not ashamed. If God has not given you a Pala………don’t make one because you can’t sustain it. Look at that one there………. looking at me without hair…….,he is hiding his head. What about my women selling in kamwala……..who are selling combs you want them to die from starvation because you don’t want to keep your hair.

For our men in uniforms I thank you for working hard. Some people have engaged security guards, they don’t know that security guards are more brutal than my policemen. For the army, when there is no war, some people in Eastern province are trying to provoke me. But when I send the army in Eastern province, Mpenzeni will be the first one to run away.

Thank you for keeping you here, without lunch. Thank you for coming Mr. (Hi)Kaumba…but does it mean that there are no names in Southern province other than HH. Thank you……..this one has hidden his name….Simukoko……

And you whats your name……are you related to Rev. Masumba……ooh you are also a reverend.

I am now moving towards the people receiving awards……where are the people receiving the awards……..

Thank you.


(c) Edmond Lifwekelo 2014

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Posted by on April 11, 2014 in Uncategorized




“By Edmond Lifwekelo”

Much as the UPND has its own manifesto, it recognizes the importance of these goals.UPND recognizes that if properly managed, the MDGs can take zambia back into a middle income class nation by bettering the lkives of all zambians. UPND will use the goals side by side with its manifesto as it drives zambia forward. So what are these MDGs?The Millennium Development Goals are a UN initiative. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that were established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All 189 United Nations member states at the time (there are 193 currently) and at least 23 international organizations committed to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, the goals follow:

1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. To achieve universal primary education
3. To promote gender equality and empowering women
4. To reduce child mortality rates
5. To improve maternal health
6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
7. To ensure environmental sustainability
8. To develop a global partnership for development[1] Each goal has specific targets and dates for achieving those targets. To accelerate progress, the G8 Finance Ministers agreed in June 2005 to provide enough funds to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) to cancel $40 to $55 billion in debt owed by members of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) to allow them to redirect resources to programs for improving health and education and for alleviating poverty.As of 2013 progress towards the goals was uneven. Some countries achieved many goals, while others were not on track to realize any. A UN conference in September 2010 reviewed progress and concluded with the adoption of a global plan to achieve the eight goals by their target date. New commitments targeted women’s and children’s health and new initiatives in the worldwide battle against poverty, hunger and disease.Its obvious that the pf is not implementing any of the goals and zambia might not even reach one them. That’s why UPND is committed that the above goals will be persued and lead zambia to a prosperous nation. Zambians should reject political parties which do not recoginize the importance of the MDGs.

Edmond Lifwekelo 2014

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Posted by on April 11, 2014 in Uncategorized





“By Edmond Lifwekelo”

2. EDUCATION- The UPND Government’s priority in the education sector will be to meet the MDG of universal primary education. For the UPND this will require improving the quality of primary education, mainstreaming community schools and reaching out to orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs). The UPND will also meet the increasing demand for access to post primary education, in particular for girls.The key strategies for the UPND to improve learning outcomes that foster employability include teacher management (recruitment, deployment, retention and training), textbook procurement, curriculum reform and infrastructure development. Issues of Gender and HIV will be addressed to ensure that they are not a barrier to access and to efficient delivery of education.

3.HEALTH- The UPND’s response to the health sector will be to meet the health MDGs of improved child health, reduced maternal mortality and reduced prevalence of HIV-AIDS and other infectious deseases. The UPND will improve funding to the sector and recruit more health personnel. An efficient procurement process of appropriate drugs and supplies will be put in place including the decentralization of medical stores in all districts so that purchases of drugs and supplis shouldn’t be done in lsk but in their respective districts. The UPND will also build more hosipitals round the country and improve on the existing structures and equipment including transport.These critical issues will be interelated- the human resource aspect will probably be the more priority as it is affecting affecting service delivery (a large number of health centers round the country are currently operating without any trained personnel).In order to achieve the health MDG goals, the UPND will adequately fund the health sector; the objective will be to meet the Abuja target of 15% of the government budget allocated to health. A human resource strategic plan has already been developed and it is imperative to start the comprehensive implementation of the plan in 2016. A drug supply budget will be introduced to ensure the timely procurement and distribution of the appropriate drugs. Under the UPND services will become more accessible and pro-poor with the removal of user fees. Greater attention will be placed to ensure high qualities of health care- particulary in areas of human resources and drugs.

4.WATER AND SANITATION- The UPND recognizes that water and sanitation is an important sector for the alleviation of poverty. It cuts across many other sectors and contributes to many MDGs. The provision of water and especially of sanitation services will be one of the most priority areas for the UPND Government. The UPND will revise the National rural water supply and sanitation programme by increasing funding as well as extensive capacity building and empowerment of the districts in cordination with the decentralization programme. Considerable funding will be made to the urban and peri-urban areas as well. The institutions in the sector will be strengthened further in order to stabilize the intended goals.A key priority will be to revise, pass and implement the water policy and water resouces management bill which will establish new institutions which will manage and monitor systems of water and sanitation in urban, peri-urban and rural areas. The key core will be to have every household have a flashable toilet.

To be cont…

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Posted by on April 11, 2014 in Uncategorized




“By Edmond Lifwekelo”

In June 2005, Zambia managed to the completion point of the Heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) which saw her foriegn debt reduced from us$7.5 billion to about US$0.0635 billion. Millions of dollars which were going towards debt repayment every month were being saved and channeled towards bettering zambians lives. In the areas of poverty and desease erdicationan education, health, agriculture and infrastructure development. Zambia’s economy at that time started to grow at an incredible rate of 6% per anum. The foregn exchange stabilized and the dollar dropped to the lowest K2.6 per dollar. Mwanawasa at that time channeled savings to the manufacturing industry and non-traditional exports, inflation dropped to record low of almost 4%.Now in less than two, sata and his pf has reversed the status quo and taken zambia back to a heavily indebted poor country ravaged by extreme poverty and desease. Whilst mwanawasa channeled savings from debt repayments towards building a robust ecenomy, sata and his pf have been borrowing to finance their luxery lifestyles and maintain his bloated cabinet which has 5 deputy ministers per ministry and more than 100 district commisioners. Sata’s borrowings are being channeled to consumption by his inner circle only as the majority zambians are not benefiting at all.In fact, zambians are paying a heavy price for sata’s borrowings. The foreign debt as at end of february 2014 stood at over US%7.8 billion. Where has this money gone? Sata can’t claim that this money is being channeled towards roads construction as these projects are being done on grants, seperate from his foriegn borrowings. Sata has also been reported in some foreign media that he is heavily funding Atupele muluzi of malawi to challenge Joyce Banda. Is this man senstive to the needs of zambians?He is spending millions of Dollars in malawi when mealiemeal in neighbouring chipata is costind K120 per bag.Surely zambians, this is unacceptable. Sata has failed lamentably, deliberately in fact, in order to sastify his egos. Pf has been the worst party to rule this country and now zambians are paying heavily. Sata is a reject, pf is a reject and zambians will do well to reject them in 2016.

Edmond Lifwekelo 2014

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

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Posted by on April 11, 2014 in Uncategorized



The issue of good Governance is one which has been of subject of dabate for many years now. The debate started in the kaunda error and has continued to date. This debate has been as old as the debate of a new constitution. It is a fact that zambia needs new Governance much as it needs a a new constitution. The pf campaigned on the premise of good Governance and a new constitution, but are we having good Governance under the pf?
The answer is definately no; key issues have to be put in place for a country to claim is enjoying good Governance. What are these key issues which zambia is lacking at the moment which can account for good Governance?
First and foremost, it is a fact that zambia needs structural reforms both in the public and private sector. How should the Government do it and what are the benefits to the General populace??
The Government should restructure the private sector in order to improve the business and invetiment climate in the country. This will ensure a faster and sustainable growth that will increase employment and reduce poverty through enhanced trade and investment. In particular the Government should focus on;
1. Policy environment and institutions that serve the private sector;
2. Regulation and laws;
3. Infrastructure development;
4. Business facilitation and economic diversification;
5. Trade expansion and;
6. Citizens Economic empowerment.

In order for the above to be achieved and in the interest of good Governance, the Government should ensure that there is;
A. Ownership of the reforms
B. Accountability for the results
C. Process effeciency
D. Public- Private sector dialogue working across sectors.


1. Effective use of the governance harminisation and cordination fora;
2. Delivering a new people driven constitution within a specified time frame;
3. Public service reforms incorperating public expenditure and financial management, public service management and decentralization;
4. Strengthening the role of non-executive oversight institutions including non_state actors;
5. Improving the performance of the judiciary, legal and enforcement agencies.

The Government should lead a public dialogue to focus on identifying a framework that would ensure the transparency and independence of the process, including consesus on the mode of adopting the constitution. Currently the popular view amongst the wider population is that popular way of adopting the constitution is through a constituent assembly. The majority zambians also holds the view that constitutional reform should aim at balancing power, entreching human rights and civil liberties as well as reforming the electoral process to level the political playing field. Non executive bodies like the parliament, Auditor General’s office, ACC and HRC should be mandated to exercise oversight. Over the executive. This can only be achived if an independent body (and not the president) appoints the chief executives to head these institutions.
Zambia also needs space for civil society and opposition parties to comment on Government’s performance and Government should also encourage opposition parties and civil society involvement in public policy formulation, monitoring and implementation.

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Posted by on April 8, 2014 in Uncategorized




“Edmond Lifwekelo”

Human and social development under the pf Govenmt have declined. Attainment of the millinium development goals (MDGs) has been a major challenge for the majority of the targets under the pf. As shown below, under the MMD, zambia had the potential to improve on 7 out of the 9 indicators- most notably on attaining universal primary education while it was making gains martenal mortality and environmentaaly sustainable development. However, under the pf Government most of these seems impossible to reach except except attaining universal primary education. Eradication of extreme hunger remains a serious problem under the pf. According to the MDG status report for 2013, 87% of zambia’s population live below the poverty line and 66% of these are extremely poor. This includes nearly one in two people in rural areas compared to one in every three in urban areas. As a result income distribution remains highly unequal. Human deprivation under the pf has increased since 2011. Human development index has declined from 0.411 in 2011 to 0.307 in 2013. Zambia currently ranks 169th out of 177 countries. The shortcomings in human development under the pf has led to the poor being highly vulnerable and exposed to risks such as droughts, floods, price shocks, environmental polution and frequent ill-healths due to HIV-AIDS and other deseases. Furthermore the poor are often voiceless and powerless with limited influence in society.Under the pf a subset of the poor is truly destitute with at least 50 percent of the population having little or no productive capacity. Within these category, women, children, disabled and older people are disproportionately represented. These households are trapped in long term chronic poverty with the majority, if not all, failing to have three meals a day, in contrast to 28% in 2011. In 2011 there were one million orphans of the HIV-AIDS pandemic- currently the number is estimated at about 1.285 million orphans. In 2011 there were roughly around 75,000 children living on the streets. Currently under the pf the number of children living on the streets stands at over 120,000. Zambia’s achievements in the 1-1 enrolment ratios for grade ones has declined under the pf. Also there has been an increase in the high female illeterate rate- this can also be attributable to early marriges of girls which has seen a steady increase under the pf with little Govenmt intervention. Also the genger gap in drop out rates in secondary education has increased under the pf. Child mortality rates are also increasing under the pf due to poor health deliver system. Under 5 mortality rates now stand at 506 deaths per 1000, from 191 per 1000 in 2011. The pf has neglected the health sector with concerted efforts to invest more in health sector human resources for obstetric care. In fact the number of quality health personnel has decreased under the pf due to recent mass sackings of essential health staff who have now migrated to neighbouring countries. Indeed statistics show a concerning downward trend with worsening mortality rates under the pf. These statistics not only represent the overall decline of essential health services in zambia, but also the failure of th pf policies to priotise the health and empowerment of women. The pf has failed to make available key inputs for service delivery, such as drugs and human resources.Zambia faces its most critical health, development and humanitarian crisis to date under the pf regime.

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Posted by on April 4, 2014 in Uncategorized



The European Sovereign Debt Crisis has shown how much the euro zone economies differ. At one end is Greece with its problems but at the other end is the German powerhouse. One overlooked fact is how much Germany’s school system has made it the envy of the world.

Germany has a mainly vocational school system which is the basis of its economic might. Germany has a mostly vocational school system that focuses on teaching pupils skills for life rather than theories.

On the other hand Anglo-Saxon countries (UK and USA) plus France have a school system based on elitism. Where you went to school not what you know determines your fate in life. For example the UK has elite schools like Eton and universities like Oxford and Cambridge while the US has elite colleges like Harvard, Yale and Stanford – the so-called Ivy League that have produced the last four American presidents (Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr and Obama plus Mitt Romney). Likewise even current British Prime David Cameron and some of his ministers plus the current London mayor (Boris Johnson) went to elite schools. The focus is on academics rather than practical skills

Both the Anglo-Saxon and French schooling models are based on the ancient class system (discrimination).
Germany’s school system gives people the skills to setup small and medium size businesses known as the Mittelstand that make all sorts of things including parts for larger companies like Volkswagen and Daimler (Mercedes Benz maker).
The Mittelstand had made Germany the workshop of Europe. In turn Germany is an export champion and has only been recently surpassed by China. Germany has a strong competitive advantage in high-end manufacturing. Much of the rise of China and India can be attributed to Germany. It is that machine tools made in Germany that Chinese and Indian companies are using to made parts for car manufacturing plants like TaTa.

Germany’s education system is ideal for most African countries that unfortunately inherited the Anglo-Saxon and French models. Right now most African students study things that they will never use in life like literature and geography at the expense of real skills like machining and fitting. Elitism also breeds resentment. Sadly Africa is also importing Anglo-Saxon business schools that educate a few people for the high paying multinational jobs. Africa adds little value to its products. Vocational skills add value.

-Solution To Africa’s High Urban Unemployment
Vocational life skills can help make school leavers self-employed as carpenters, mechanics etc instead of looking for Jobs from the few big companies.

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Posted by on April 27, 2014 in Uncategorized



(My thoughts on saturday)

Just been seeing people’s comments on Kanene’ 18 yrs imprisonment on various fora, mixed reactions I must say and I thought I might comment something. much as defilement of a minor is a bad thing and the scourge seem to be growing (despite harsh sentences), I must say there are some elements in the law on defilement which needs revisiting. when we discuss the draft constitution, its unfortunate that a lot of energy is applied on the presidency and related clauses forgetting laws like these which deals with common individuals out there on the streets.

The law on defilement, as stated in the CPC, need to be redefined. The term “defile” means to deflower, or make something which was pure impure. It mostly applied to virgins, and if you remember different societies in zambia, especially southeners, charged heavily for someone who has deflowered their daughter; the reason was simple- you only lose your virginity once and you will never be the same again. Parents will feel thet have lost out as they will charge less on the bride price when the time will come for the girl to get married.
In the past, parents will impose a heavy bride price on their virgin daughter than on a girl who is not a virgin. Infact traditionally the newly married couple will be taken into a bedroom were a white sheet will be laid before them and where they will be expected to consumerate their marriage on. After the act, the sheet will be shown to the elders and if their is blood on the sheet, then it will be proved the girl was a virgin and celebrations will go on.But the law in zambia, in its current form does not differitiate, virgin or non virgin- the punishment is the same. The law in Zambia looks at the capacity of the mind of the victim, in most cases the age which is 16 here in zambia. Sleeping with a woman who is mentally challenged (imbecile), regardless of the age is also defilement. The woman can be 50 yrs or older still you will be arrested for defilement. For the law makers took into account that a person below 16 or an imbecile is not capable of telling wrong from right. It is no defence for one to plead that the girl has a child already- the fact is she is below 16. The one who fathered her child was lucky to have gotten away with it but you are so unlucky you have been caught. Not long ago, a 23 year old man of Nakonde was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment for having slept with a 15 year old girl who already had a three year old child. The court threw away his defence that the girl was married before from where she bore the child.
So this law is open to debate as to whether it is fair or not, but personally speaking it is yes and no. Yes its fair that a man will take advantage of a 15 year old girl who has a child because she is vulnerable; and no because there was nothing to deflower when you met her- she was not pure having been deflowered by someone else and she knew what she was doing when you met her. In short having been in that situation before, she knew right from wrong.

Much as both cases are wrong, I feel the purnishment has to differ. Same as how traditonally the bride price differ between a virgin and non-virgin wife, it should also be the same at law. We shouldn’t impose the same sentence. Defilimg a girl who already has a child should attract a lesser sentence than defiling a 5 year old child. Like what I said it depends from which angle you are looking at the issue.

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Posted by on April 26, 2014 in NEWS



Ministry of Finance, Lusaka -Zambia

The Zambian Government is on course with all external debt obligations. This is consistent with the need to maintain credit worthiness and safeguard macroeconomic stability through debt sustainability.In addition, both external [adding the USD 1 Billion Sovereign Bond] and domestic debt levels remain below the international thresholds of 40% and 25%, respectively. To ensure that we sustain this path, the Ministry of Finance will continue to maintain high standards of financial and economic governance.As at end of March, 2014, external debt stood at US $3.16 billion or 15.72% of GDP whilst domestic debt stood at K20.2 billion or approximately 16.57% of GDP.For the period under review, total external debt service (principal plus interest payments) stood at USD48.8 Million of which USD 8.9 Million was a payment made in January, USD 2.3 Million in February, and USD 37.7 Million in March, 2014.During the same period, total domestic debt service (principal plus interest payments) stood at K2.6 Billion of which K930.8 Million was a payment made in January, K887.3 Million in February, and K830.2 Million in March, 2014, respectively.The economy is heading out of turbulence as attested by the positive response of the international investor community to issuance of the USD1 Billion Sovereign Bond. The ratings actions of International Rating Agencies, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch are also positive factors to consider.Precision in the implementation of development programmes overseen by relevant Ministries, Provinces and other Spending Agencies will be cardinal in order to ensure that projects, whose progress was constrained by rains, are now speedily executed in conformity with the Governments objective of widespread job-creation and poverty reduction.

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Posted by on April 25, 2014 in Uncategorized


PF Cadres jailed

January 18, 2011

The Lusaka Magistrates Court has sentenced to 3 years imprisonment with hard labour, three Patriotic Front cadres for assaulting their former party members. Magistrate Xonobit Zulu slapped the sentence on the trio on Monday. The three are Ashwell Kampengele, George Lemba and Francis Mumba. The convicts assaulted Sam Zulu and Mubanga on June 5th , 2009. Mr. Zulu and Mr. Chileshe were during the incident holding a press briefing at Lusaka’s Court Yard Hotel. The two who were at logger heads with their party were briefing journalists on the PF convention when they were attacked.Facts are that on June 5, 2009 the three while acting with others, assaulted and abducted Mr Zulu and Mr Chileshe when the two were holding a Press conference to press for a PF convention at Courtyard Hotel in Lusaka.Former PF Lusaka Province publicity secretary Thomson Maimisa said on June 5, 2009 he went to PF president Michael Sata’s office where he found PF security officials outside.He said the security officials told him Mr Sata allegedly wanted to see him and when he went to his office, Mr Sata asked him if he was aware of some PF members who were holding a Press conference at Courtyard Hotel, which he said he was not aware of.Mr Maimisa said Mr Sata allegedly asked him to go to Courtyard Hotel and collect a statement from people who were holding the Press conference and he was accompanied by the security officials.He said that at Courtyard Hotel, he was surprised to see that the security officials started punching and kicking Mr Zulu and Mr Chileshe before dragging them outside the hotel.He said Mr Zulu was bundled into a motor vehicle and taken to the PF secretariat where he was again beaten and asked if he was working with other people.He said after several PF officials interrogated Mr Zulu, former Lusaka Province PF Chairperson Paul Moonga asked him and security officials to take Mr Zulu to his house.Mr Maimisa said the following day on June 6, 2009, a PF district official called the seven cadres that had gone to Courtyard Hotel and told them that Chimwemwe MP Willie Nsanda would take care of them.He said the following day the seven went to Mr Sata’s house who allegedly told them they did not know how to beat because they had left Mr Zulu alive.He said that the PF leader then told them that since police officers were looking for them, he allegedly gave them K200, 000 each and told them they should go out of town and Mr Nsanda organised transport for them to go to Lundazi.

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Posted by on April 24, 2014 in Uncategorized